Nature-Inspired Designs

for a Good Cause

I grew up first as an artist, and when it came time to pick a career, ultimately science ended up being the bigger passion. But at the center of the imaginary venn diagram of art and science, was a love for the outdoors.

And like many outdoor nature enthusiasts, I was deeply troubled by our planets future, and the fear of loosing everything I love. I needed to do something, feel like I’m creating an impact, even a small one.

Cause while I’ve protested for our government to address climate change, voted in every local and federal election since I legally could, and even pursued a career path researching the organisms and environment I adore, it doesn’t feel like enough (I don’t know if it ever will).

I worked hard on my art skills and I wanted to put them to a good cause. My whole life people have been asking how to purchase my art, and so here is the happy little middle ground I created.

I worked hard on these products I’ve created and am proud of the designs. These products represent my own aesthetic, a mesh of emo-kid turned granola, and each release will have a portion of their profits go towards an appropriate charity.

My first release centered around cephalopods (squids, octopuses, cuttlefish) and the ocean, my favorite little creatures and the subjects I will study in grad school and beyond.

But Why is the ocean so important?

The ocean is vital to life on earth. Phytoplankton, tiny microscopic organisms that many sea creatures rely on for food, also produce at least 50% of the oxygen on earth and are responsible for sucking up at least a quarter of all carbon we humans have produced since the industrial revolution.

Additionally, the ocean is responsible for absorbing a huge amount of heat from the sun that disperses throughout our oceans due to natural currents, making the ocean a major player in regulating climate. And finally, the ocean is an important source of food and jobs, accounting for more than 16% of all animal protein consumed globally and ocean-based industries employ more than 40 million people worldwide.

From this it’s clear that the ocean is vital to all life on earth. Saving our oceans will in turn, begin to save our world.

Every ocean design product will have 10% of its profit donated to Oceana, a non-profit committed to restoring and protecting our world’s oceans